Welcome to Kristina’s Studio of Dance Competition Team. It is an honor to be on the team, however, before deciding to accept, please read carefully this list of requirements and commitments required by all dancers (and their parents) to be a member. As a member of this elite team of dancers, you will have the opportunity to participate in performances, three to four competitions, one national competition, as well as guest teacher workshops.
I have researched and interviewed many dance teachers with similar programs to design what I feel is a reasonable and workable program. I have done my best to inform you of all pertinent information and costs so that we can all enter the program without any misconceptions or misunderstandings.
Being a team player is an important responsibility and I have prepared this special handbook to help you better understand your commitment. It is the parent’s and the child’s responsibility to read and understand the requirements and decide if both of you can agree to commit yourself 100% to the program.
It is my wish for the team to provide a great deal of fun and good lessons for its members. Many dancers have never been interested in or played organized sports. The competition team will offer exposure to many of the assets that organized competitive sports can offer such as: hard work and the rewards that come with it, learning to work together, commitment, time management, camaraderie, goal setting, being held accountable and self-confidence.
My philosophy on competition is to use it as a training tool for each dancer, to see other dancers and styles and levels of accomplishment. Participation in such events is a reflection of our school’s commitment to a well-rounded dance education for the dancer. It is not only about the way we train our dancers, but also on how we, as teachers, influence them as people. It is our studio’s goal to develop a genuine respect for dance as an art form in each of our competition team members.
With the right focus, the experience can be an excellent motivator of self-confidence. If the dancer feels good about their performance and understands that they are better each time, then they are truly growing through the competition experience. Hitting that stage and doing the best that they can is what it’s all about. The actual award becomes secondary.
We hope to instill an appreciation for other dancers and their studios. We are not out to “beat” anyone; rather we are out to motivate our dancers and faculty by exposing them to the highest caliber of talent available. For us, competition is an education!
Being on the Competition Team will require a lot of work, but it is also a lot of fun, and I look forward to having your child be a part of it!
Dancingly yours,
Kristi Beeler